Voting Guide in The Presidential and National Assembly Elections


In order for your voting process to go as smoothly as possibly, please adhere to the following instructions:


On Election Day, please go to your polling unit with your Permanent Voters Card (PVC) and present yourself for accreditation, which is to start at 8 am. The Assistant Presiding Officer (APO) 3 of your polling unit will at this point ascertain whether you are in the right polling unit;
Approach APO 1 with your PVC to be read by the card reader and matched with your thumb print;
APO 2 will then confirm that your name and Voter Identification Number (VIN) are as recovered in the register of voters;
Allow the APO 2 to apply indelible ink to the cuticle of the appropriate finger, collect the voter accreditation tag and leave the polling unit area to give space for another voter to undergo the process. Please ensure you stay around for the commencement of voting which is to start at 1.30 pm or whenever accreditation is over;
When the Presiding Officer announces the commencement of voting, join the queue in an orderly manner;
When invited, approach the APO 2 to have your right thumb or finger nail marked with ink and collect your ballot paper for voting;
Proceed to the voting cubicle to thumb print your ballot in secret, be careful not to allow the ink to stain other part of the ballot paper and do not make any markings or write on your ballot paper;
With your ballot paper folded vertically, approach the APO 3 to guide you on the appropriate ballot box for your ballot paper. Red box for Presidential or Governorship, black box for Senatorial and the green box for House of Representatives;
When you are through with the voting process, leave the immediate voting area to give way for another voter to cast their vote;
You should wait within the polling station to witness the sorting and counting of votes as well as the announcement of the results.

In the interest of your safety and to also ensure you do not fall foul of the law, please ensure that you do not wear any campaign or political party clothing or paraphernalia to your polling unit on Election Day. By law, you are not allowed to campaign or solicit for votes for a particular party at the polling unit. Please vote quietly and discreetly without announcing what party you will be voting or have voted for.

Thank you.

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