UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

General, News

UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Press Statement
John Kerry
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
September 26, 2014

Today the community of nations made an historic statement in support of LGBT rights, which are human rights.

The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the second-ever UN resolution on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons. Along with the Ministerial event at the UN General Assembly yesterday, this marks yet another important chapter in UN efforts to stand united against the human rights abuses that LGBT individuals face around the world.

The United States was pleased to work with countries from many regions of the world on this resolution, especially the lead sponsors Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Uruguay. This resolution will commission a major UN report on the challenges facing LGBT persons around the globe and will help move LGBT human rights issues to the forefront of international attention.

The United States will continue to promote human rights around the world for all people. Who you love, and who you are, must not be an excuse or cover for discrimination or abuse, period.