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The EFCC should withdraw from the alleged ongoing negotiations between it and some of the alleged subsidy thieves. This is yet another attempt to thwart the efforts of the Nigerian people to ensure that those who are responsible for the hardship they daily go through are made to suffer for it.

The prosecution of the ‘subsidy’ thieves at this time in our history is of monumental importance as we seek to deter others who are still engaged in such activities.

In the past, attempts by the EFCC to adopt ‘plea bargain’ in dealing with persons accused of financial crimes has inadvertently led to the absurd end of celebrating criminality by inflicting on these accused persons, punishments that can aptly be described as ‘slap on the wrist’ whilst they are allowed to go on and enjoy whatever is left of their loot.

The need to end impunity in Nigeria today is far greater than any benefit that the plea bargain may bring to us.