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I found today’s sermon very fascinating as it again bears great significance to the realities in my own country today.

What struck me most is the great similarity between Herod and GEJ and I’ll highlight the connections:

1. Herod reigned at the eve of the coming of the messiah, I have a firm belief that GEJ’s reign is only going to usher in the man God has annointed to lead Nigeria.

2. When the wise men came asking questions about the newborn king, Herod was deeply disturbed because he believed, albeit wrongly, that the child was a threat to his throne. Same with GEJ, every form of criticism is disdainful to him and he does not hesitate to display this.

3. Herod consulted and employed the services of the leading priests and teachers, he used them and their knowledge to achieve his sinister plans. GEJ gathers quite a number of otherwise sound minds and egg heads naija boasts of, he uses them even without them realizing it.

4. Cunny is a common denominator here too, just as Herod deceptively told the wisemen to go in search of the baby Jesus and come back to tell him wherever they found him ‘so that I can go and worship him too!’, so did our own Prez deceived us with meek and gentle words pre-election claiming ‘I had no shoes’.

5. Herod used force and wickedness to perpetuate himself on the throne when he ordered the killing of all boys 2 years and below, in and around Bethlehem. Sadly, the same quantum of wickedness is replaying itself here, several hundreds die on the roads daily because the roads are bad and the government of GEJ doesn’t give a damn.

Several die because of lack of adequate health care, personnel and facilities. Schools are randomly closed and even when they are opened, the quality of knowledge imbued leaves much to be desired, because GEJ and his cronies have hijacked funds meant for education. Power and gas supply are far less than adequate because, the cabal (which consist of some untouchable friends of GEJ) are in charge. Funds meant for infrastructures and other development develop wings overnight and well…GEJ doesn’t give a damn.

It is now obvious that he definitely does give a damn though, not as to whether the funds disappear or not (because under GEJ, they certainly must disappear), but as to where they end up re-appearing at. I guess that is why the recent appointment of St. Anenih (Apologies to my friend @egbas) is quite timely, what with 2015 fast approaching and the Nigerian people stubbornly demanding change, GEJ can not take chances of not being adequately prepared with the usual weapons of battle, cash, and with his experience and past records, there is no better man to fix the job.

I am certain however, that like Herod, he will be roundly, nay squarely disappointed as the wisemen will certainly go home another way.

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