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I just read in a post (see link below) that the well know ex-con and former PDP Deputy National Chairman Bode George has been nominated by the All Africa Students Union as the winner of its 15th edition of the Africa Leadership award.

George’s nomination was based on recommendations by the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) and the ratification by the executive council of AASU.

It is not only ridiculous but is also an insult on the Nigerian student, youth and entire citizenry. I find it funny that someone thinks NANS should not be blamed for this. What shame does Bode George get by being conferred with an award? As it is, his reputation has already been battered and at best, the conferment of the award only serves as a frail attempt to whitewash his tainted image amongst members of the UNDISCERNING public. The big and real shame is on the conscienceless NANS who despite the antecedents of BG will go ahead to nominate him for only God knows how much.

I have said it over and over, I usually accord little or no respect for NANS leaders, my little interaction with the leadership has proven to me that the future can not be left in the hands of these touts who go about parading themselves as students, many of whom have spent over 10 years most times deliberately ensuring that they remain in school so as to continue to feed from the stipends that the politicians drop on their laps from time to time. Many of them are even more violent than bus park touts, most NANS conventions freeely involve the use of guns, machetes, and other dangerous weapons (Bauchi, PH, Abuja conventions are fresh in my memory). Little wonder those of them who eventually find their ways into mainstream politics can hardly divorce themselves of the xteristics (see Dino, Maku, Hembe et al).

Those of us, youths and students left with our conscience intact must make quick, calculated and well-thought-out plans to not only take the rein of leadership in our country from bad and corrupt elders, we must also ensure that the spectre does not end up in the hands of ‘pretender progressives’ who have been so deeply enmeshed in the current spoilage, but carry on like their interest aligns with those of the suffering masses. There is no better time than NOW!


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