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I have watched the video going round of the killing of the UNIPORT 4, read and heard so much being said about the incidence. I have heard people say may the souls of the killed rest in peace and I quickly say my word, my concern is not for the restfulness of the souls of the dead, but rather the restlessness and restiveness of the souls of the living.

The primary reason being that the incidence and gruesomeness may lead to reprisal and counter-reprisal attacks from the Uniport students or a section of them. On the other hand, it also sends a bad signal to the general populace that no one is safe from mob attacks as all it takes for anyone to be mobbed is for anyone to raise alarm, and…..

I have heard that the students are angry and are smarting for battle and I have heard commentaries encouraging them to sniff out the perpetrators of the killings. It is my candid opinion however that a reprisal attack  is not the best solution to the problems on ground, the reason is simple, you can never determine the casualties in these kinds of conflicts, besides you just may be doing exactly the same thing that you accuse the other party of doing:  ‘jungle justice’ and who knows how many innocent (maybe even sympathetic people you will end up killing).

My take is that the security agencies should carry out deep investigations to discover the killers, arrest and prosecute them speedily. That way, the student community will be placated because justice would be seen to have been done and we will thereby another round of unnecessary bloodshed.

Ever wondered why people resort to self-help, mob action etc? It is mostly a lack of faith in the system. When people cease to have confidence in the ability of the system to deliver justice, they tend to take the laws into their hands in their quest for justice, just like the people of Aluu did and like the Uniport student are planning to.

In the final analysis, we put the blame on the government, having failed in making the system work, they must get the blame. And so on a day like this, I appeal to us all to lend a voice to do away with bad governance. Let us never shy away from being critical of government and its policies. Its nothing personal, just a natural right derivable from our social contract.